Current Publications

Viji Fondly Remembered

Climate Change Adaptation, and managing climate risk: Dialogue 1

Challenges and Opportunities in managing climate risk & adaptation - Banks and Development finance institutions

Climate Change Adaptation, and managing climate risk: Dialogue 2

Viji Fondly Remembered

Climate Change Adaptation, and managing climate risk: Dialogue 1

Climate Change Adaptation, and managing climate risk: Dialogue 2

Challenges and Opportunities in managing climate risk & adaptation - Banks and Development finance institutions

Previous Publications

A Handful of Rice: A documentation of FWWB-I’s microfinance programs on women’s lives in Manipur.

Previous Publications

Farmers Producer Company: A Game Changer!

Impact Assessment-Water and Sanitation(WATSAN)

A Handful of Rice: A documentation of FWWB-I’s microfinance programs on women’s lives in Manipur.


Training of Trainers (TOT) Reference material:
Mahila Shakti Vikas na Panthey (Gujarati) 2002.

A Step by Step guide for Strategic Business Planning
(English), 2000.

SHG leaders training reference material:
Seekhein aur Sikhayein (Hindi), 1999.

Manual on linkages between savings and credit and women’s health:
Tan Tandurust to Man Tandurust (Hindi), 1999.

How to Run a Viable Income Generating Activity
(English), 1997.

Organising Savings and Credit Groups for Poor Women
(Hindi and English), 1994.

Guidelines for Starting a Bank for Poor Women
(English), 1991.

Case Studies/Papers

Documentation of two day National Consultation on ‘Gender in Microfinance’ that was organized by FWWB-I, India in September 2005.

Micro Finance and Rural Credit Markets – The study was undertaken by Centre for Social Studies (CSS) based in Surat, South Gujarat who carried out a ‘client-centered’ benchmark study in select pockets of Gujarat and Maharashtra (English), 2005.

“Voice of the Voiceless” – A Need Assessment Study of Micro Insurance services offered by SHEPHERD, one of the partners of FWWB-I in the State of Tamil Nadu (English), 2005.

Documentation study of Social Security programme of People’s Solidarity Association (PSA), one of FWWB-I’s Partners based in Trichy, Tamil Nadu (English) 2005.

A Documentation study of Social Security programme of Activists for Social Alternatives (ASA), one of FWWB-I’s Partners based in Trichy, Tamil Nadu (English) 2005.

Community Health Insurance in India- A compilation of Case Studies (English), 2005. 

Micro Insurance – Member Profile (English), 2003. 

Insurance – A safety net to poor (English), 2003. 

A discussion paper on Indian Self-Help Groups and Bangladesh Grameen Bank Groups: A comparative Analysis (English) 2002.

Role and Impact of Micro finance on the Poor – A Qualitative Enquiry in two South Indian States (English) 2001. 

Unknown Leaders of Micro-finance (English), 1999. 

India’s Emerging Federations of Savings and Credit Groups (English), 1998. 

Translating Dreams into Realities – Case Studies (English), 1997.


(Topics covered: Institutional building, recommendations of the micro finance task force set up by the RBI, Education loans, Infrastructure financing, Market Research For Micro Finance)

Micro-Insurance Infoline (Bi-annual) (English) (Topics covered: Concept of insurance, health and pension)


Directory of Institutional Profiles of FWWB-I’s Partner Organisations (English), 2003.

Institutional Profiles of FWWB-I’s Partner Organisations (English), 1998.

Proceedings of Workshop

Micro Insurance for the Poor: Strengthening services and addressing policy issues (English), 2003.

Building Linkages: People’s Institutions and the Financial Sector (English), 1997.

Video film

Rukawato ko Todka’ (Gujarati and Hindi with English subtitles), 2001 (Video / CD)

Ubhartee Umang (Gujarati, Hindi and English), 1994 (Video)