Why Water and Sanitation

Why water and sanitation
Two of the fundamental aspects of a healthy and dignified existence are clean drinking water, and access to sanitation facilities. Sanitation is not only an essential safeguard against diseases and infections; it also provides a structure for privacy, especially for the women in the household. Provision of sanitation and portable water facilities to all Indian households is a goal that is yet to be fulfilled. According to Wild Water, State of the World’s Water 2017, new report by WaterAid(a global advocacy group on water and sanitation), more than 63 million people in India are living without clean drinking water. This is more than any other any other country in the world.
FWWB recognised the dire need for these facilities, and the role that microfinance could play in providing them to urban and rural poor women. This led to the inception of the Water and Sanitation program in the year 2009.
Our approach
The Water and Sanitation program is a testament to the fact that the availability of financial resources is key to enabling poor households to invest in water and sanitation facilities. It busts several myths about their reluctance to use modern amenities. The program also aims to raise awareness among donors and lending institutions about the role that sanitation plays in raising living standards and productivity levels of a household. This holds true especially for women and children.
This program aims to provide financial assistance to MFIs for construction of sanitation facilities at subsidised rates. Organisations which have a good client record, and are active in urban or rural areas are selected. Usually, an organisation with a sound technical team and past experience in construction activity is preferred but those organisations with no experience in this field are also guided to liaison with technical experts. The program is carried out through both grant and loan modes. Loans are provided to the partner organisations, who further lend to their clients for construction of toilets or for providing loans to sanitation entrepreneurs. Grants are given to partner organisations under the project for generating awareness and demand for sanitation loans. Funds required for providing loans to the final borrowers are raised by the partner organisations.
1200 Water Loans
more than 100,000 Toilet Loans
more than 500 Sanitation Entrepreneur Loans
Cumulative disbursements of more than INR 200 crore over the years
States: Bihar, West Bengal, Odisha, Manipur, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka